Rush Shows Us How to Deal with Emotional Celebs Like LeBron James

TODD: You know about the tremendous tragedy in Columbus, Ohio, of a young woman who lost her life and the other tragedy of a police officer who had a decision to make. There are two young women, and one of those young women is in what I would regard as a disordered state and is…
Limbaugh Profundity: Liberals Respect Power, Not the Constitution

TODD: This actually comes from Candace Owens, who sort of explained it this way, that the mockingbird media and the left, they want to cancel and say that they want black Americans so angry that they’ll just go out and tear things down for them. If you don’t know, Candace happens to be black woman…
Celebrate Earth Day the EIB Way! Filled with Classic Rush Clips and Searing Commentary

TODD: I didn’t know if it would be okay for us to go to this particular story. We had a discussion. It wasn’t heated because guide hosts, we’re just sort of a substitute part of the team. But I had some concerns. Joe Biden, his dementia, has had a meeting with the dictator of China…
Rush Is Right! Trump Still Scares Them to Death

TODD: President Trump decided to sit down with Sean Hannity on Fox News. And we’re gonna play a clip. I want you to hear this in a second. But know that the left, they’re so obsessed with trying to beclown the orange man. Do you remember when the president was talking about the wildfires that…
Rush’s Undeniable Truth of Life: Words Mean Things

TODD: Rush obviously knew that winning the language can mean winning the war. If you… Ronald Reagan used to say — and I don’t know that it was accurate, but — there was no word for “freedom” in the Soviet Union. And if you remove words for things, you have trouble articulating that. We have…
Rush Explains Maxine Waters and the Psychology of Democrat-Sponsored Riots

TODD: Just imagine the jury room and imagine the emotion and the concern, because there was not just Maxine Waters — and we will get into Maxine Waters. You will hear Rush explain (chuckles) Maxine Waters and how to deal with her. You’ll also hear Rush explain the psychology behind riots, which any thinking person…
Drive-By Media January 6th Lie Exposed: Capitol Hill Cop Brian Sicknick Died of Natural Causes

TODD: Remember a few weeks ago — I guess it was about a month ago — the New York Times tried to write… Actually, I had the honor of… I hadn’t been in a New York Times hit piece in a number of years. They tried to roll me into a piece on the so-called…
Rush Condemns the Identity Politics That Drove Will Smith to Pull His Movie from Georgia
KEN: I am of the belief that political correctness has brought this country to its knees, literally — if you’ve ever seen a ballgame now — and figuratively. We have been put on our knees, because political correctness is another way of saying, “No free speech for you,” and that’s part of the word games…
Rush’s Insight Into Nikki Haley’s Maneuvers and the Damage Done by Never Trumpers
KEN: Nikki Haley… She’s regarded as the frontrunner of the 2024 GOP presidential contenders, okay? Now, I go back and forth. I was a huge Nikki Haley fan, but I do go back and forth a little bit because, you know, there’s kind of an ebb and flow of her support and/or relationship with President…
Rush Rewind: Media Claims Americans Are Cool with Surveillance — If Democrats Do It

KEN: Did you ever think millions of Americans would be so comfortable with surrendering their rights, releasing their rights, complying to the most ridiculous things and then either nodding in agreement or ignoring the most overreaching things? And I think back to how President Obama was surveilling the news media and wiretapping and surveilling and…
Understanding Liberalism with Rush: The Cops Are Always Racist and Wrong

JASON: It’s my honor to be your guide today as we get the wit and wisdom of El Rushbo throughout the program and a very, very big problem in Minnesota. You know, there is one advantage in Minnesota. You get to see all sorts of things. For instance, if you live in our great state…
Rush Shines the Light of Truth: Capitol Hill vs. BLM Riots

JASON: So let’s see. More riots in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, and Kentucky. By the way, welcome back to the Rush Limbaugh program. I am the talk show host formerly known as Representative Jason Lewis. So glad to be here in the Attila the Hun chair behind the Golden EIB Mic. Now, in Louisville, Kentucky, protesters…