Colorado Civil Rights Commission Receives Scathing Remarks From SCOTUS
It Is So Ordered: Not A Wedding Cake But Laws That Prohibit Discrimination On The Basis Of Religion As Well As Sexual Orientation
Can you believe we needed a Supreme Court ruling to tell us to act on principle and not emotion? In the post-Soetoro days of an emboldened radical left slice of America stomping their feet over perceived discrimination while trampling on the basic liberties of others, in a word—yes. The American left has become so intolerant of any differing opinion/lifestyle/[insert noun here], that only a decision from the Supreme Court can put them down for a time. Justice Thomas Cites Laws Calling Out Prevailing Liberal Bias Of The Times Justice Thomas, who specifically addresses the issue of free speech in hisRead More
If One Member Suffers, We All Suffer
World Watch List 2020: 260 Million Christians Experience ‘High Levels of Persecution’
On January 16, American Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other religious believers, celebrated Religious Freedom Day. President Trump issued a Proclamation On Religious Freedom Day, 2020 “to honor the foundational linkRead More
Stop The Madness!
Judicial Activist Functional Dysfunction: National Injunctions
To describe national injunctions as irrational and unimaginable, though appropriate, reveals a law-abiding person’s quintessential “loss for words.” Suffice it to say, that national injunctions are a reprehensible bastardization ofRead More
Ignore The Left's Lies! Know The Truth!
Church And State Truths Never Presented By The So-Called “Mainstream”
Must Know “Church And State” Truths For Christians The Democrat Party, its factions, and their propaganda machine, parrot and repeat phrases until they become a part of the vernacular. AndRead More
An Ideological Leftist Is Incapable Of Integrity—Totally Incapable
Weighed And Found Wanting: The Most BassAckwards Decision In U.S. Supreme Court History
It all started with,,, An Opportune Time In Everson v. Board of Education of Ewing Township, 1947: A New Jersey law authorized reimbursement by local school boards of the costsRead More