Limbaugh Axiom: Israel’s Enemies Don’t Want Peace, They Want the End of Jews

BRETT: You know, we really are living in the 1970s. If you think about it, we’ve got inflation, we’ve got spiking gas prices, we’ve got gas shortages. And now we’ve got a continuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continuing to dominate the news headlines. Day number 11 of this battle between Hamas and Israel, and I…
Limbaugh Truism: Liberals Indoctrinate Through Fear

TODD: As I read this headline I’m about to read to you and the data that corresponds to it, I remember listening to Rush talk about never in American history has our response to things been “hide inside,” and I will tell you — and I warned Team EIB — I am so obsessive about…
EIB High Note: Turning a Negative Into a Positive

TODD: Today’s EIB High Note is about taking a negative and turning it into a positive. This happened to a woman named Chen Lie. At the age of 60 in 2017, she suffered a stroke, and so this caused paralysis to her entire right side. So she had to use her left side for everything,…
Rush Decodes the Left’s Defund the Police Push

JASON: Now, look. What’s going on throughout the country and this chaos that’s being sowed — with defunding the police, the rioting that goes unchecked, the refusal to prosecute — the district attorneys in San Francisco and Los Angeles and Philadelphia and Chicago that refuse to prosecute violent criminals and want them released. In California…
Use What Rush Says Here to Combat the New York Times’ 1619 Lies

JASON: The 1619 Project used by schools… Isn’t it amazing the cooperation they do? So you’ve got the CDC coordinating with the teachers union. You have the New York Times’ 1619 coordinating with K through 12. You have the media coordinating with Big Tech. And you have these tax-exempt groups coordinating with the Democrat Party.…
Rush Lists All the Reasons Democrats Can’t Allow Voter ID

JASON: The governor of Minnesota is going to “phase in” — phase in — liberty. I called for that phase-in a year ago. Man, oh, man. I tell you, these people. Well, I mean, if you look at what they’ve been able to do electoral-wise on all of this… Think about it: Under the fear…
An Epic Revival: The Great Carnac Returns To The Tonight Show

An Epic Revival: The Great Carnac Returns To The Tonight Show In what can only be called a stunning television moment, the epic revival of Johnny Carson’s beloved character, Carnac the Magnificent, returned to the Tonight Show on October, 23, 2020. None other than Bernie Sanders—Bernac the Magnificent (?)—portrayed the reincarnate Carnac. With less than 2 weeks to go before the 2020 Presidential Election on November 3, 2021, Bernie Sanders made a guest appearance to discuss the upcoming election. Looking Back At The Original Carnac The Magnificent As a reminderRead More
When Rush Discovered Democrats Were Capturing Single Women with Government Handouts

BRETT: You know, President Biden is acting like Santa Claus. We heard as much from Rush earlier in the program. And it’s exactly what the Democrats always want to do. They want to be Santa Claus. They want to give out all this stuff and tell you it’s free, free, free. But it’s not free…
An Unforgettable Montage of Rush’s Spot-On Word Picture Skills

BRETT: As so many of you know, Rush loved to have fun and laugh. He had one of the best senses of humor I’ve ever been around. He always said, “All good comedy has an element of truth to it,” and for today’s EIB High Note, we thought we’d bring you some of his unique…
Unlike the Covid Doomsayers, Rush Believed in the Power of Positive Thinking

BRETT: So overhanging all of what it is that we are facing in this country today is the continuing fight against the covid-19 virus, right, which has been ravaging — or is not ravaging now, but at one point was ravaging — the United States of America. We have seemed to have gotten much more…
Must Listen! Rush Explains Who Pays Taxes

BRETT: So just a few weeks ago I was here behind the Golden EIB Microphone, and a caller named Monte from North Carolina called in to the program and said he wanted to teach a course at his alma mater on Rush. It was a great idea because there’s so much you can learn from…
Rush Unlocks the Secret to Happiness

BRETT: You know, Rush was right. Happiness. It comes from other people feeling good rather than ourselves. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others.” New research published by a team of psychologists at the University of Missouri Columbia suggests that King’s words are as…