Rush Nukes the Concept of “Climate Refugees” and Man-Made Global Warming

JASON: You know, as I mentioned before on this economic thing — I do want to touch on this, because the infrastructure plan is sort of a revisit of the Obama American jobs and Recovery Act, the $800 billion stimulus. Except this is a $2.3 trillion, $2.5 trillion, $3 trillion stimulus, right? I want to…
Rush’s Analysis of His CPAC Speech Was the Best Analysis of His CPAC Speech

TODD: We played this clip twice of Ron DeSantis briefly honoring Rush at CPAC, a beautiful statement from Governor DeSantis, who’s done an incredible job as governor. So, here’s the Maha himself, remembering this decades-ago CPAC speech where he talked about going beyond policies to persuade and speaking about our principles. RUSH: This is my…
The Greatest Nicknamer of All Time

TODD: Just a few months ago, a caller asked Rush about the origin of one such nickname. RUSH: Mark in a tractor-trailer somewhere in Massachusetts. It’s great to have you here with us, sir. Hi. CALLER: Hi. Mega dittos, Rush. My question is real simple. Why Chatsworth Osborne, Jr.? RUSH: Well, you mean why do…
Russian Immigrant Learned About America from Rush

TODD: Uri in Sparta, New Jersey. Uri, a quick minute. I thank you for calling Rush’s show. Hi, Uri. CALLER: Hi! Hi. So, you want me to tell my story and you want me to say something Rush Limbaugh in the sky. TODD: Yeah. CALLER: Look, I was born and lived in the Soviet Union…
Limbaugh Forever: American Exceptionalism

KEN: My name’s Ken, and I was talking with the EIB team, and I said, “I remember when I started filling in.” This was precancer, and each step of this journey with the Rush family has been different. And here we are, but the uplifting thing is we’re celebrating Mr. Limbaugh’s life and wisdom. I…
Rush Exposed the Left’s Climate Change Fraud

KEN: I get a little goose bumpy when I think about all of us either growing up or transitioning in a good way with Rush Limbaugh. I don’t know how many times as a radio host throughout my career I have said myself or someone has said to me when we’re discussing anything… It could…
Rush Explains Why Young People Are Liberals

KEN: You know, we’ve been revisiting Rush’s thoughts on American exceptionalism, and he had no problem sharing that anywhere, anytime, and that has been intentionally, figuratively — well, literally speaking, sometimes. If you’re at an Antifa rally, people try to pound that out of you. They don’t want you saying it. For some reason, too…
Rush’s Voice Reassures America — And Always Will

KEN: Ken, Green Valley, Missouri. Is that correct? Welcome to the show, sir. CALLER: The name’s Lonnie.KEN: Oh, I’m sorry. Why does it say Ken? You’re welcome to change it if you’d like. CALLER: That’s all right. KEN: Okay. CALLER: Thank you, Ken, for taking my call. Talk about memories. You talked in the first…
The 2nd Impeachment: Trump’s Popularity Still Scares Them to Death

RUSH: So I’m here (in a sporadic way) able to catch some of the Democrat impeachment filing against President Trump — and that he threatened the constitutional system, and the fact that he did this in the month of January is no reason to forget about it, that he threatened and almost destroyed the U.S.…
Why Are They So Afraid of Donald Trump Rising from the Ashes?

RUSH: There’s two different things going on if we go by the headlines. First up is a story about the Illinois Republican congressman. His name is Adam Kinzinger, and he has been anti-Trump for practically as long as Trump has been, and the headline of this story: “A House Republican Launches Campaign to ‘Take Back…
The Establishment GOP Wants to End the MAGA Movement

RUSH: Let’s start with Steve here in Birmingham, Alabama. It’s Open Line Friday. Great to have you, sir, on the program today. Hello. CALLER: Thank you, sir, for taking my call. Good morning. Mega dittos. Mega prayers going back to 1990. I love you. RUSH: Thank you, sir. Appreciate it very much. CALLER: Get right…
Reading Behind The January 6 Headlines 101: Political Theatre

Sometimes a headline just doesn’t make any sense according to tradition, standards, or even what happened two weeks ago. In Revelation 17:9, the angel speaks truth to John when the apostle is overwhelmed with sensationalized visuals, “This calls for a mind of wisdom…”. This provides a good reminder for today as well, when one is tempted to marvel at what is visible and cacophonous instead of underlying reality. Therefore, cacophonous visuals by leftist “leaders” and their bullhorn, sycophantic media are nothing to marvel about and they are definitely not reality.Read More