Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Chick-fil-A Bill into Law to ‘Protect Religious Liberty’


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the Chick-fil-A bill into law Thursday, prohibiting local governments from retaliating against an individual or business for their membership in, or support for, faith-based organizations.

We Face the Threat to Our Culture Right Now, Not in the Future

Sarah Watching Rush Limbaugh Institute Advanced Studies

RUSH: We’re doing Open Line Friday on Wednesday today. This is my last program, live program this week. Got a best-of show tomorrow. Who did we con into coming here on Friday, Mr. Snerdley? (interruption) Jason Lewis! We conned Jason Lewis into coming up on Friday to guest host. (laughing)   Now, look, folks. I know this is… I want to be very clear here. I am not obsessed or possessed here of fatalism or negativism. I just read something that triggered me, when I read the line (paraphrased), “IfRead More

Stand Up For Jesus Gallery


Why Christians Should Care About The Bladensburg Cross Supreme Court Case

Sarah Watching Why Christians Should Care About The Bladensburg And Bayview Crosses

Contrasting Crosses In 1922, Alabama Democrat Hugo Black pledged allegiance to the Ku Klux Klan while standing beneath the light of burning crosses. In that same year the local American Legion post in Bladensburg, Maryland completed a war memorial in the shape of a cross—no flames—to honor 49 area veterans who had been killed in WWI. In 1947, the very same Democrat Klansman, Hugo Black, now an FDR appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, penned the most “bassackwards opinion” in the Court’s history. An opinion that was no opinion atRead More

Ignore The Left's Lies! Know The Truth!

Church And State Truths Never Presented By The So-Called “Mainstream”

Sarah Watching Church And State Arguments You Never Hear

Must Know “Church And State” Truths For Christians The Democrat Party, its factions, and their propaganda machine, parrot and repeat phrases until they become a part of the vernacular. And we all know that it is total bias. Knowing the other side of the Church and State debate is a must for effectively calling out leftist lies. Study and commit to the heart what principled and honest scholars and lawyers say/have said about the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses. Here are a few great quotes and a list of resourcesRead More

Rush: Why Don’t We Learn History’s Lesson On Socialism

Sarah Watching Rush Limbaugh Institute Advanced Studies

RUSH: This push for socialism Venezuela… I often ask the question, “What is the lure?” There isn’t a successful example of socialism anywhere in the world. It’s never, ever worked. It’s never fulfilled even 1% of its promises. So what’s the lure? It reminded me of Churchill. Churchill gave every ounce of energy he had in the forties, late thirties, trying to warn the British about the dangers of Hitler and Germany’s National Socialism.   And at the beginning, people rejected Churchill, and thought Hitler was no big problem. EspeciallyRead More

An Ideological Leftist Is Incapable Of Integrity—Totally Incapable

Weighed And Found Wanting: The Most BassAckwards Decision In U.S. Supreme Court History

Sarah Watching The Most BassAckwards Decision In Supreme Court History

It all started with,,, An Opportune Time In Everson v. Board of Education of Ewing Township, 1947: A New Jersey law authorized reimbursement by local school boards of the costs of transportation to and from schools, including private schools. 96% of the private schools who benefitted from this law were parochial Catholic schools. Arch R. Everson, a taxpayer in Ewing Township, filed a lawsuit alleging that this indirect aid to religion violated both the New Jersey state constitution and the First Amendment. After losing in state courts, Everson appealed toRead More

Politically Incorrect

Good Guy Gone Liberal?

Sarah Watching Good Guy Gone Liberal 2 Kings 20 19

What Happened? Though Hezekiah lived off the peace and prosperity of those before him, served God faithfully during his earlier years, and enjoyed the mercy of God for the last 15 years of his life, Hezekiah died a far-left liberal. Or Did He? Hezekiah only seems to have the attitude of a far-left Democrat (excuse the redundancy). At the beginning of Hezekiah’s kingship, 2 Kings 18:3 says that “he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that David his father had done.” Moreover, verseRead More

Once A Ku, Always A Coup

What The Covington Media Coverage Unveiled: The Anti-Catholic Bigotry Rooted Deep Within The Democrat Party’s Klan DNA

arah Watching What The Covington Media Coverage Unveiled Democrat Anti-Catholic Klan DNA

Please note the author uses “Democrat Party” intentionally because it is anything but a “Democratic” party. Also, the image is from a Easter Procession in Segovia.  For more info, visit the image here and note (!) what the artist writes about these penitential robes. Dehooding The Democrats From the flagrant bigotry of the Democrat Party’s KKK days through the present moment, leftist hatred of Catholics has endured the test of time and identity politics. Sure, the Democrats and their sounding horn, the so-called mainstream media, hate Donald Trump and #MAGARead More

Pray America Great Again: God Routs Fears

Sarah Watching War Room Inauguration

From the public domain version of Charles Spurgeon’s Daily Faith Devotional dated 01/26. Our team ran across this during planning for Pray America Great! Our Father God’s timing is incredible! God Routs Fears Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel. – Numbers 23:23 (Original Bible Version included with Daily Faith) For there is no enchantment against Jacob, no divination against Israel; now it shall be said of Jacob and Israel, ‘What has God wrought!’ – Numbers 23:23, ESV No curse can touch Jacob;Read More

Pollak: Why What Ilhan Omar Said About Jews, Israel, and Congress Was So Wrong


The toxic belief that wealthy Jews manipulate politicians to harm America is one Ilhan Omar shares with the murderer at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

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