If You Think About It, Not Really
Chief Justice John Roberts Looks The Other Way Amid Obama FISA Scandal: Should Anyone Be Surprised?

Justice is supposed to be blind. But a Justice turning a blind eye? Not so much. Chief Justice John Roberts’ inaction in dealing with the obama admin’s glaring abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), government’s most secretive court, has been frustrating and troublesome. Frustrating because Americans deserve to have the 44th president and his administration held accountable for the blatant corruption and crimes committed during and after the 2016 Presidential campaign. Troublesome because Roberts is considered a conservative judge. At one point in his career, he was evenRead More
Hollywood Glamorization Of Violence And Media Glorification Of Crime
Triggering The Social Epidemic of School Shootings

Triggering The Social Epidemic of School Shootings: Hollywood Glamorization of Violence and Mainstream Media Glorification Of Crime From Single Infection To Epidemic In the national bestseller The Tipping Point, author Malcom Gladwell persuasively argues that social epidemics work in exactly the same way as disease epidemics. “Epidemics are [1] a function of the people who transmit infectious agents” i.e. a 4-year old girl with measles.“ [2]…the infectious agent itself” i.e. measles are highly contagious; “…and [3] the environment in which the infectious agent is operating” i.e. the 4-year old attends dayRead More
Why Do Inner-City Residents Continually Re-Elect Democrats?
The Albatross Of Voting Democrat

The Albatross Of Voting For A Democrat Take a hard look at the aspects of each large U.S. inner city—citizens, poverty level, unemployment, welfare, city services, crime, education system, family—and you will become literally sickened at how the Democrats and their leftist policies have brutally raped and assaulted the people living in these inner cities over and over again. And over. And over. It’s not just one or two large cities. But every large city in the U.S. where Democrat megalomania has screwed up, over, and around. Everything and everyRead More
DELINGPOLE: Gender Stereotyping in Adverts Is Great; Banning It Is Dangerous PC Lunacy

My favourite advert of the last ten years was probably the “Are you beach body ready?” Protein World poster campaign, writes James Delingpole.
Oh No! Global Warming! Er-Uh I Mean Climate Change!
Brazil’s Populist Minister Slams Climate Alarmism as ‘Marxist Ideology’

[Remember how the scare used to be “global warming”? Since the glaciers didn’t melt as predicted by Al Gore, the global scare has now become “climate change.” In the article below, Brazil’s new foreign minister hits the nail on the head. Climate Change is nothing more than a fake scare ideology to push globalism/progressivism which is nothing more than Marxism. The more the climate change hoax is pressed on the world, read ‘countries are being asked to pay vast amounts of money to the climate saviors,’ more and more worldRead More
What A Hypocrite!
Why Doesn’t Rod Rosenstein Remove the Recusal Log From His Own Eye?

The Bible has a lot to say about underlying character flaws. Especially the kind that motivate perverse behavior. When communicating about these inner thoughts and attitudes, finding contemporary applications is notoriously difficult. After all these are sins shared by all people who have fallen short of the glory of God. Greed, dishonesty, judgmentalism, lack of mercy, and hate represent only some visceral vilenesses that can go undetected by a casual observer. In his second letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul warns about the difficulty in the last days due toRead More
Italian Priest Says Salvini Supporters Are ‘Killing God’ by Opposing Mass Migration

An Italian parish priest has said he will close his church on Christmas in protest against a decree by interior minister Matteo Salvini reining in illegal immigration, accusing his supporters of “killing God.”
Macron’s France: Hundreds Detained as ‘Yellow Jackets’ March on Presidential Palace

PARIS (AP) – Crowds of yellow-vested protesters angry at President Emmanuel Macron and France’s high taxes tried to march on the presidential palace Saturday, surrounded by exceptional numbers of police bracing for outbreaks of violence after the worst rioting in Paris in decades.
America's Inner Cities Need Rescue; But Who Will They Listen To?
Maybe Debbie Did Dallas But The Democrats Screwed Every Other Major U.S. City

Suburban legend tells us that Debbie did Dallas. More specifically she screwed [over] everyone who could help, or hinder, the achievement of her dreams. And after she got what she wanted, she went home. No such luck for Detroit, Chicago, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Washington, D.C., Dallas, San Francisco, etc. These American cities have been royally screwed by the Democrat Party. Unlike Debbie, the leftist beadledom never went home. They moved in to stay. Once icons of American greatness, these U.S. cities, from all appearances—unemployment rates, poverty levels, andRead More