Is Rosenstein Part Of Or Being Played By The Swamp?
Oh! What A Colluded Web We Weave: Rod Rosenstein Amid The Lords Of The Obama FBI And DOJ

When will Rod Rosenstein remove the recusal log from his own eye? Rod Rosenstein’s conflicts with the Mueller Special Counsel would make skeptics out of the most trusting people. The log in his own eye looms large, while the over-zealously pointed out “conflicts” of Jeff Sessions and Geoffrey Berman are mere specks. Perhaps Rod’s blindness is understandable? Logs do have the capability of producing befuddlement. Squinting past a monstrosity like that would induce concentration on a few specks. But I don’t know for sure. You decide. Let the evidence speakRead More
Erudite Virgil Has Outdone Himself
Virgil: The McCain Funeral Marked the End of an Era for the Globalist War Party

Two Funerals In One A keepsake from Breitbart’s Virgil – “The McCain Funeral Marked the End of an Era for the Globalist War Party.” Profound observations and remarkable analysis. Someone who totally gets the globalists. The erudite Virgil may have just outdone himself… A must read for all who long to see the annihilation of the globalist cabal. – SW From Breitbart’s Virgil: Perhaps the most revealing moment in the week-long media extravaganza over John McCain’s death came on September 1, when Meghan McCain, daughter of the late senator, choseRead More
Spiritual Poverty Of The Southern Poverty Law Center Will Be Their Ruin
The Sinister Evil Of The SPLC Can Be Driven Out By Prayer

Related to an especially vile demon, Jesus said “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer” (Mark 9:29). The same thing can be said of the SPLC. The following article details the SPLC’s corruption, greed, and sloppiness—no time for details, or truth, when there is money to spend, vacations to enjoy, Soros to make happy, lies to tell, socialist agendas to narrate, and alleged lines to snort. Note—factors related to a lack of time are all my opinion, my ideology, not meant to defame the SPLC in anyRead More
Major Fail For Far-Left Hate Group SPLC
David Horowitz Wins Credit Card Donation Showdown, Credits Breitbart, Drudge

The David Horowitz Freedom Center has had its ability to accept credit card donations restored after the initial decision to financially blacklist the organization was made by payment processor Worldpay allegedly at the request of Mastercard. Horowitz credits Breitbart News and the Drudge Report for bringing attention to the story on Friday.
All Hell Breaks Out In Hades: Satan And Stephen Hawking Fiery Exchange Over “Smartest Man” Title

All Hell Breaks Out In Hades: Satan And Stephen Hawking Fiery Exchange Over “Smartest Man” Title SHEOL, ETERNITY—Only 5 months after famed atheist and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking entered Sheol, he is already causing Satan to see red. In a heated exchange, both could be overheard arguing over which had the title “Smartest Man In The World.” Those nearby stated that Hawking had commented on the “paralysis of the intellect” in hell, a comment noticeably raising Satan’s ire. The former atheist continued his rant asking “how can the smartest manRead More
Denouncing The Bully Tactics Of The SPLC: Some Major Redemption For Jeff Sessions

So I admit being angry with Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from anything to do with the Mueller witch hunt. The fact is the American people need an Attorney General to kick some booty and put an end to the madness. Instead we have sniveling Rod Rosenstein whose integrity is outweighed only by his hair. Apparently Rod is allowing Mueller to test out Einstein’s theory of space and time–traveling all the way back through the “anals” of the Bush/Soetoro Justice Department to stir up a 2005 tax case against PaulRead More
WATCH – Aaron Klein: Gaza Rocket War Shows Israel Must Retain West Bank

This week’s massive escalation of rocket attacks from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip spotlights the security dangers faced by Israel if the Jewish state evacuates territory either unilaterally or in a deal with the Palestinians, contended Breitbart Jerusalem chief Aaron Klein.
Jerusalem 101: Why President Trump’s New Policy Is Such A Big Deal

President Donald Trump is announcing Wednesday that the U.S. officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and that the State Department will begin the process of moving the embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. It might be unclear at first why that policy change is so important. Jerusalem is, after all, the de facto capital of Israel. The Israeli parliament (Knesset) is there, as are the prime minister’s office, the president’s residence, the Supreme Court, and all of the executive agencies. Israelis consider Jerusalem their capital whether or not the U.S.Read More
Peter Thiel: Political Correctness Is an Indicator of Greater Social Illness

Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel addressed a group of young conservatives on Wednesday evening. Speaking at the Turning Point USA High School Leadership Summit on Wednesday evening, Silicon Valley giant Peter Thiel spoke to students about America’s current political climate, his views on President Trump, and the dangers of political correctness. Thiel spoke about the importance of ideological diversity. When hiring new employees for his various businesses, Thiel said that he often asks them to share with him a controversial opinion that they hold. “Tell me something thats true thatRead More
Putin: Christianity is the Foundation of Russian Nationhood and Cultural Identity

MOSCOW (AP) – Vladimir Putin says the adoption of Christianity more than 1,000 years ago in territory that later became Russia marked the starting point for forming the Russian nation itself.
Mike Pence: Persecution of Christians in North Korea ‘Has No Rival on the Earth’

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence excoriated North Korea’s record of human rights violations Thursday, asserting that the nation’s persecution of Christians is the worst on the planet.