West Committing Suicide By Forgetting Christian Roots

Suicide Watch: The Axe Is Laid To The Roots Of The Trees

Sarah Watching Suicide Watch Axe At Root Of The Trees

The prominent African Cardinal Robert Sarah, whose name often comes up on the short list of  “papabili“—or papal candidates to eventually succeed Pope Francis—has a stark warning for the (little c) catholic church. Cardinal Sarah stated that by forgetting its Christian roots the West is committing suicide, “because a tree without roots is condemned to death.”   The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. (21) But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall awayRead More

Executive Overreach: HHS Mandate versus Religious Freedom

Trey Gowdy Transcript: Supreme Court Finds Obama’s Religious Tactics Unconstitutional

Sarah Watching Religious Freedom Constitution

Below is the transcript of a YouTube video most popularly titled “Supreme Court Finds Obama’s Religious Tactics Unconstitutional,” though it can be found under other titles. Judiciary Committee Hearing The video is from the February 28, 2012 Judiciary Committee hearing “Executive Overreach: HHS Mandate versus Religious Liberty. “ In addition to the transcript of Trey Gowdy’s scathing remarks of the Obama administration’s pitifully weak case, is a portion of the opening statement from Chairman Lamar Smith. If you’ve ever watched Trey Gowdy you know he’s a spitfire. His success stemsRead More

If It's A Battle Of Wits - The Mainstream Media Doesn't Stand A Snowball's Chance

The Key To Interpreting And Easily Predicting The Mainstream Media

arah Watching Interpreting the MSM Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

In the past few years, specifically since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President, Americans have witnessed the unhinging of the Mainstream Media. The Lunacy Of The MSM To be sure, the MSM’s derangement has been going on for awhile, but somehow they managed to keep it at a level where most people did not notice. Not so today. Turn on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. You will witness maniacal lunatics in action. Never has it been more important in our history than now to learn to interpret the Mainstream Media.Read More

Religious Freedom In The First Amendment 101

Sarah Watching First Amendent Religious Freedom

I often wish I had attended law school for the sole purpose of being able to argue religious freedom cases. Face it, Christianity and Judaism are under attack by the congregation of liberalism, communism, and progressivism—and make no mistake, these -isms are the ideologues’ religion. As Christians in America, we owe it to our fellow Christians, the church, the great cloud of witnesses, and most of all to Christ, to understand the finer points of the attacks. The organizations who carry out these onslaughts are funded by the lone SatanicRead More

Why Are Useful Idiots So Gullible?

Alinsky’s 8 Levels Of Control For Creating A Social State

Sarah Watching Rules for Radicals

Saul Alinsky is best known for his book Rules for Radicals which has unfortunately influenced recent American politicians, much to the detriment of  the U.S. government agencies, the free press, national honor, and quite frankly, the freedoms we all hold dear. But there is another Alinsky list which is need-to-know for combating, and defeating, the evil forces of modern liberalism—Alinsky’s 8 Levels of Control for Creating a Social State. Christians must recognize the enemy in whatever form he takes, in order to defeat the enemy. And Saul Alinsky is one of Satan’sRead More

The Constitution of the U.S.: An American Echo of Jeremiah’s Triple “The Temple of the Lord”

Sarah Watching The Constitution of the US An American Echo of Jeremiahs The Temple of the Lord

The Wake-Up Call Sometime in June 2016, I received a surprising call—a wake-up call to be exact. A sudden realization of the looming dangers of the 2016 Presidential election and what seemed to be an imminent win for a flawed, corrupt, out-of-touch candidate. While obsessing over minute sound bites from now President Donald Trump’s 70-year life, Hillary Clinton’s “public positions” remained eerily detached from some serious issues—nineteen-trillion U.S. debt, illegal immigrants, unvetted refugees, homeless veterans, increasing middle class tax burdens, unsecured borders, and radical anti-Western ideologues fomenting chaos all overRead More

Nancy Went Down To Congress Lookin’ For A DACA Deal

Sarah Watching Devil Went Down to Georgia

I have been so amused by President Trump playing Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats like a Stradivarius. This song kept coming to mind, and it fits beautifully. Very big and very beautifully..           Nancy Went Down To Congress (sung to the tune of The Devil Went Down to Georgia) Nancy went down to Congress. She was lookin’ to make ‘em kneel. She was in a bind, the polls way behind. She needed a DACA deal. When she came across Prez Trump plannin’ a wall without aRead More

Dershowitz Disdain Over Obama Farrakhan Relationship

Sarah Watching Judaism

Esteemed Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said he would not have campaigned for Barack Obama in 2008 if he had known of his prior relationship with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Professor Dershowitz, speaking on Fox & Friends, said “Louis Farrakhan is a virulent anti-Semite. He’s called Judaism a ‘gutter religion.’ He’s anti-American.”  Read more… Dershowitz, a traditional Democrat, American lawyer and author, is a respected scholar of U.S. Constitutional Law and criminal law. He is also a leading defender of civil liberties.  Since he specifically stated he wouldRead More

D***! Trump Does It Again

Trump Plays Pelosi Like A Stradivarius

Sarah Watching Trump Plays Pelosi Like A Stradivarius

One a superior instrument producing quality sound with characteristic brilliance and tone. The other, not so much. Really, the only thing Pelosi and a Stradivarius have in common is their Italian name. After a Friday filled with dread, disbelief, concern, and conjecturing over the Trump Administration’s amnesty compromise, The SECURE Act, I had a huge revelation while driving home— D**n! Trump has done it again. He has played Pelosi and the Democrats like a violin. On the conservative side today, the doctor of democracy Rush Limbaugh commented on the TrumpRead More

A Good Reminder

“Thou Shalt Advance Political Agendas” Is Not A Biblical Command

Sarah Watching No Political Agendas Reminder

Everyone needs reminders. The fact that nowhere in the Bible does God command “Thou Shalt Advance Political Agendas” is a good reminder for all godly and politically minded people. The increasing insanity, buffoonery, and hypocrisy of the modern left provides plenty to drive a fair-minded, level-headed person crazy. Whatever the liberal issue du jour, which coincides nicely with the liberal narrative du jour, can bring a simmering conservative to a boiling push of political agendas. Face it. Leftists are intolerant. Leftist ideas defy common sense. Leftists don’t even think forRead More

This Is So Good, I Wish I Had Written It

The Spectator’s Superb Article on Political Correctness

Sarah Watching Polictial Correctness Purpose

Rarely will you find a better written piece on political correctness than The Spectator’s Ed West article called “Is Political Correctness Speeding Up?” I would love to post it all here–but The Spectator is subscription-based, though you can read 3 articles for free. West says “…though [political correctnes] is an imperfect phrase, because it applies both to a code of politeness (much of which I agree with) and also a method of enforcing orthodoxy. Unfortunately, it is the former, especially the stupider and more mundane examples, which attracts most attention,Read More

The Dubious Ideology-isms

Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Globalism – they are ALL the same. And the mainstream media in the US and abroad are their mouthpieces, i.e. false prophets..

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