Nothing New Under The Sun
Jesus And Collusion: Elitist Concern Or Desperation?

Appointment Of A Special Counsel The appointment of a special counsel came about when two witnesses accused Jesus of being a terrorist. They claimed to have overheard Jesus “plotting” to destroy the temple. And to rebuild it in 3 days—a big, beautiful temple. The council compelled many witnesses to testify regarding the terror threats, but none of their stories agreed. Prior to convening the council, opposition research had been purchased from an informant within the Jesus organization. But the investigatory agents never questioned this source about the temple crusade charges. Aside from this transaction, the temple establishment never interrogated any ofRead More
Hollywood Glamorization Of Violence And Media Glorification Of Crime
Triggering The Social Epidemic of School Shootings

Triggering The Social Epidemic of School Shootings: Hollywood Glamorization of Violence and Mainstream Media Glorification Of Crime From Single Infection To Epidemic In the national bestseller The Tipping Point, authorRead More
What A Hypocrite!
Why Doesn’t Rod Rosenstein Remove the Recusal Log From His Own Eye?

The Bible has a lot to say about underlying character flaws. Especially the kind that motivate perverse behavior. When communicating about these inner thoughts and attitudes, finding contemporary applications isRead More
Where Two Or More... There Jesus Is Among Them
First Prayer Of The 1774 Continental Congress: Still Relevant Today And Needed Even More

Following is a transcript from the Office of the Chaplain, U.S. House of Representatives’ Archives of the incredibly moving first prayer prayed at the 1774 Continental Congress. Today, the UnitedRead More