Stephen Hawking First Day In Sheol: Declares He Was Right About Global Warming

Sarah Watching Sheol Flame Stephen Hawking Declares Right On Global Warming

Editor’s Note: Though the purpose of The Sheol Flame is satire—ridicule intended to expose truth—the satire of this post also exposes the truth of great sadness over the loss of a soul. SHEOL, ETERNITY—On earth day March 14, 2018, famed atheist, theoretical physicist, and cosmologist Stephen Hawking arrived for his first day in Sheol. After peering into the great abyss, he proudly declared that he had been right about global warming. A long-time proponent of climate change theory, Hawking reportedly asked if he could relay this information to long-time environmentalRead More

‘Islam Means Submission. Will You Submit, Or Resist?’ – Batten, Waters, Kassam at #FreeTommy Rally

‘Islam Means Submission. Will You Submit, Or Resist?’ – Batten, Waters, Kassam at #FreeTommy Rally

UKIP leader Gerard Batten, For Britain leader Anne Marie Waters, and former Breitbart London editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam joined Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders and members of Tommy Robinson’s family for a massive rally outside Downing Street on June 9th

Sculpted Head of Mystery Biblical King Found in Israel

Sculpted Head of Mystery Biblical King Found in Israel

JERUSALEM — An enigmatic sculpture of a king’s head dating back nearly 3,000 years has set off a modern-day mystery caper as scholars try to figure out whose face it depicts.

Colorado Civil Rights Commission Receives Scathing Remarks From SCOTUS

It Is So Ordered: Not A Wedding Cake But Laws That Prohibit Discrimination On The Basis Of Religion As Well As Sexual Orientation

Sarah Watching It Is So Ordered Not A Wedding Cake But Laws That Prohibit Discrimination Based On Religion As Well As Sexual Orientation

Can you believe we needed a Supreme Court ruling to tell us to act on principle and not emotion? In the post-Soetoro days of an emboldened radical left slice of America stomping their feet over perceived discrimination while trampling on the basic liberties of others, in a word—yes. The American left has become so intolerant of any differing opinion/lifestyle/[insert noun here], that only a decision from the Supreme Court can put them down for a time. Justice Thomas Cites Laws Calling Out Prevailing Liberal Bias Of The Times Justice Thomas,Read More

Ancient Biblical Era Seals of King Hezekiah and Maybe Isaiah

Sarah Watching Clay Seal Belonging To King Hezekiah

(image: Courtesy Dr. Eilat Mazar) Clay artifacts bearing the seal of King Hezekiah and possibly the seal of the Prophet Isaiah are to be unveiled in Edmond, Oklahoma, on Sunday. The 2,700-year-old symbols were found during excavations south of the Temple Mount, in an area called the Ophel, which was in use by the Judean royal household for centuries. Each of the small bulla (plural: bullae) bearing the seals would have been used to indicate ownership of particular objects. Read More…

85 Is Past Time To Retire

Contemptible Ruth Bader Ginsburg Should Be Held In Contempt

Sarah Watching Contemptible Ruth Bader Ginsburg Should Be Held In Contempt

Alienated From The Fundamental Principles She Swore To Uphold You would think that a U.S. Supreme Court justice who took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution would see that as her highest calling. Not to mention the privilege of growing up in such a wonderful country and being called to maintain its freedoms for generations to come. You would think. But not Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Or should we say Radical Bader Ginsburg? Bill Left Us With More Than Gross Cigar Jokes Of course she was appointed by the corruptRead More

Nothing New Under The Sun

Jesus And Collusion: Elitist Concern Or Desperation?

Sarah Watching Jesus and Collusion Elitist Concern or Desperation

Appointment Of A Special Counsel The appointment of a special counsel came about when two witnesses accused Jesus of being a terrorist. They claimed to have overheard Jesus “plotting” to destroy the temple. And to rebuild it in 3 days—a big, beautiful temple. The council compelled many witnesses to testify regarding the terror threats, but none of their stories agreed. Prior to convening the council, opposition research had been purchased from an informant within the Jesus organization. But the investigatory agents never questioned this source about the temple crusade charges. AsideRead More

DOJ Issues Federal Law Protections For Religious Liberty

Sarah Watching Religious Freedom Constitution

Religious Liberty In The U.S. For those of us who care that religious freedom be upheld in the U.S., it is most instructive to read Supreme Court rulings, legal cases, congressional hearings, and documents related to Constitutional religious liberty. It is important to educate ourselves in the nuances of Constitutional Law as it pertains to religious freedom (and other liberties) so that we recognize when Democrats and others  are overstepping their bounds—whether in Washington D.C. or our own day-to-day context. Because Obama despises the U.S. Constitution, Christians, and Jews—perhaps notRead More

Mainstream Media Is Radical Activism Disguised As News

Sarah Watching Media Activists Posing As News

The Chronic Irresponsibility Of CNN Since CNN’s inception in 1980 as the first 24/7 cable news show, the network has typically carried out its “reporting endeavors” (extra big quotes there) with imprudent competence and hyperbolic sensationalism. Belaboring the subject, incessant speculation, and prismatic angles marks their journalistic paradigm. Case In Point — MH-370 For example, think disappearance of the MH-370 airplane. This is classic CNN “reporting.” For at least 18 months CNN had 24/7 coverage of MH-370’s mysterious disappearance. Every angle. Every detail about the pilots. Every detail about theRead More

God Does Not Call Us To Be Politically Correct

Sarah Watching God Doesn't Call Us To Be Politically Correct

Author Richard Bauckham in “Jesus: A Very Short Introduction” writes: It is a modern mistake to imagine that the love of God as Jesus portrays it excludes God’s righteous anger. This God of generosity and forgiveness condemns severely those who spurn his generosity, reject his forgiveness, and continue on the destructive path of evil. Jesus’ preaching of the kingdom is full of the urgency of the need for decision lest judgement follow. Seems like a no-brainer, right? But is it? Or is it a modern mistake? And have Christians projected politicalRead More

Truth Gallery


It Took A Philosopher To Finally Say “Look! The Emperor Is Not Wearing Any Clothes!”

Sarah Watching Philosopher Finally Says The Emperor Is Not Wearning Any Clothes

Finally! A philosopher has stepped forward and said “Look! The Emperor is not wearing any clothes.” Honesty is so refreshing in this day and age of topsy-turvy, identity politics, political correctness, and fake news proliferation. Look! The Emperor Is Not Wearing Any Clothes! Leave it to a philosopher.. From Breitbart: Talk of “sex change” is a scientific misnomer, argues philosopher Ryan T. Anderson in a recent article, since it is impossible to change someone’s sex by bombarding them with hormones or performing cosmetic surgery on them. A person can pretendRead More

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