aka Democrats, Globalists, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, all the Open Borders enthusiasts who themselves live in gated communities
Democrat Takers and Republican Givers or Greedy Megalomanics and Patriots, Respectively
In The Political World, There Are Only Two Groups Of People

Every epic story contains an adaptation of the good vs. evil theme. What makes these stories perennial is that all people in all times and all places can relate, becauseRead More
If One Member Suffers, We All Suffer
World Watch List 2020: 260 Million Christians Experience ‘High Levels of Persecution’

On January 16, American Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other religious believers, celebrated Religious Freedom Day. President Trump issued a Proclamation On Religious Freedom Day, 2020 “to honor the foundational linkRead More
Bitter Fruit Does Not Fall Far From Bitter Tree
Meghan Is A Typical McCain: It’s All About Me (And Getting In The Final Dig)

On November 9, Meghan McCain lamented the character and soul of America to Donald Trump Jr. Self-righteous posturing, better translated “My dad is way better than your dad.” But exactlyRead More
Joe Biden Parapraxes, Social-Judicial Warriors, and Neverending Affirmative Action: Will African-Americans Ever Be Freed From The Democrats’ Perennial Feelings Of Superiority?

[Point of website privilege: SW is prone to hypocrisy overload, therefore does not include the “ic” when writing Democrat Party.] Joe Biden should seriously consider conceding the Democrat Party presidentialRead More
Stop The Madness!
Judicial Activist Functional Dysfunction: National Injunctions

To describe national injunctions as irrational and unimaginable, though appropriate, reveals a law-abiding person’s quintessential “loss for words.” Suffice it to say, that national injunctions are a reprehensible bastardization ofRead More
Oh No! Global Warming! Er-Uh I Mean Climate Change!
Brazil’s Populist Minister Slams Climate Alarmism as ‘Marxist Ideology’

[Remember how the scare used to be “global warming”? Since the glaciers didn’t melt as predicted by Al Gore, the global scare has now become “climate change.” In the articleRead More