The Indecency of Modern Democrats Traces Back to the Destruction of Robert Bork

RUSH: We got Andy in Vista, California. Welcome, sir. Great to have you on the program today. How are you? CALLER: Great, Rush. Merry Christmas. God bless you. We pray for you every day; so we know you’re gonna pull through this, my friend. RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much. CALLER: Of course. You know,…
What Else Can We Do to Fight Back Against This Stolen Election?

RUSH: Barbara in San Antonio, you are next. Welcome to our show. Hi. CALLER: Hi, Rush. First of all, I want to say that I’ve been praying for you — and after being married for 37 years to my husband who passed away eight years ago, I really haven’t prayed much. But thanks to you,…
Democrat Takers and Republican Givers or Greedy Megalomanics and Patriots, Respectively
In The Political World, There Are Only Two Groups Of People

Every epic story contains an adaptation of the good vs. evil theme. What makes these stories perennial is that all people in all times and all places can relate, because it is real. Good vs. evil has been around since time began and its pattern can be discerned in every aspect of our lives… When it comes to politics there are only two groups of people. You may be surprised to learn that their differences have nothing to do with race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality. Their one,Read More
If One Member Suffers, We All Suffer
World Watch List 2020: 260 Million Christians Experience ‘High Levels of Persecution’

On January 16, American Christians, Jews, Muslims, and other religious believers, celebrated Religious Freedom Day. President Trump issued a Proclamation On Religious Freedom Day, 2020 “to honor the foundational link between freedom and faith in our country and reaffirm our commitment to safeguarding the religious liberty of all Americans.” Our First Freedom, because it is listed first in the first amendment, “enshrined in law our conviction to prevent government interference in religion. More than 200 years later, thanks to the power of that Amendment, America is one of the mostRead More
Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day, 2020
Happy Religious Freedom Day!! January 16!

Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day, 2020 WOW! The Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day issued on January 15, 2020 by President Donald Trump. By any standards this is amazing! Baby, we have come a long way from Christian oppression made public in the mid-1900’s, ramped up in the 70’s and 80’s, and nuclearized in the repressive years of 2009-2016! Make no mistake, it is still there. But the Legion do not have the power of the federal government and courts strong arming those they arrogantly and intolerantly detest. The Proclamation –Read More
Donald Trump Rallies Evangelicals In Florida: ‘We Have God On Our Side’

Note from SarahWatching: The video in this Breitbart article is a must-see. President Donald Trump launched the Evangelicals for Trump coalition in South Florida on Friday, earning cheers from faithful supporters. “I really do believe we have God on our side. I believe that … or there would have been no way we could have won, right?” Trump said. The president delivered a faith-filled speech to a crowd of evangelical supporters gathered at El Rey Jesus Church. Rev. Billy Graham’s son Franklin Graham, his daughter Cissie Graham Lynch, Dr. JamesRead More
Bitter Fruit Does Not Fall Far From Bitter Tree
Meghan Is A Typical McCain: It’s All About Me (And Getting In The Final Dig)

On November 9, Meghan McCain lamented the character and soul of America to Donald Trump Jr. Self-righteous posturing, better translated “My dad is way better than your dad.” But exactly what character and what soul of America is Meghan referring to? Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno. -John McCain, 1998, at a political fundraiser in Arizona “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you c*nt.” -John McCain to wife Cindy McCain, during his 1992 campaign “You incompetent little shit!” -John McCain toRead More
Birth Control Maven and Eugenics Enthusiast Speaks
In Hell Margaret Sanger Hails Her “Negro Project” An Overwhelming Success

SHEOL, ETERNITY—Famed Birth Control Maven and Eugenics Enthusiast Margaret Sanger hails her controversial “Negro Project” an overwhelming success. Sanger, who has existed in Hades since 1966, was asked why, after 53 years, she is now coming forth to proclaim her project a success. The Mother of all Planned Parenthoods stated that “Since 1966, I have traversed every inch of hell, far and wide, looking and searching, and I didn’t find one single black baby.” Obviously delighted in herself, she continued, “This place is everything I dreamed it would be. HellRead More
Joe Biden Parapraxes, Social-Judicial Warriors, and Neverending Affirmative Action: Will African-Americans Ever Be Freed From The Democrats’ Perennial Feelings Of Superiority?

[Point of website privilege: SW is prone to hypocrisy overload, therefore does not include the “ic” when writing Democrat Party.] Joe Biden should seriously consider conceding the Democrat Party presidential nomination for 2020. The numerous parapraxes, i.e. Freudian slips, represent unwitting disclosures of the former Veep’s inherent racism. The 22 other presidential hopelesses have done a much better job of masking their feelings of superiority, but make no mistake, it is there. And yes, even with Marianne. The pandering is so embarrassing. Catchwords, the phrase “I’m open to discussing reparations,”Read More
Trouncing On American Rights Is What Tigars Do
Speak Out Against The Latest Ninth Circuit Activist Judge

Take Action Against The Latest National Injunction—Contact Info Below Did you know that the Ninth Circuit continues to violate Article III of the Constitution? And did you know that in their latest Article III violation, you are a de facto party in activist judge Jon Steven Tigar’s latest national (all people in America affected) injunction against the Trump Admin? Yes. Indeed you are once again a party without representation in the latest national injunction from the Ninth Circuit. Essentially, your voice is being silenced and your due process is beingRead More
Stop The Madness!
Judicial Activist Functional Dysfunction: National Injunctions

To describe national injunctions as irrational and unimaginable, though appropriate, reveals a law-abiding person’s quintessential “loss for words.” Suffice it to say, that national injunctions are a reprehensible bastardization of American jurisprudence. In a normal, and legal, court case, attorney(s) filing a lawsuit on behalf of someone or some group, represent only the plaintiffs, that is, those who are directly impacted by the order, therefore also impacted by the lawsuit. Common sense, right? National injunctions are unique in that they are NOT ONLY filed on behalf of the plaintiffs, butRead More
Who does this? (Hint: See 2 Corinthians 11:13-14)
CNN “Religion Commentator” Edward Beck Slanders Christians: Throws the Body of Christ Under a Bus
“Have you ever had someone tell a lie about you? It’s a pretty helpless feeling.” So begins a chapter on “Slander” by CNN Religion Commentator “Father” Edward Beck in his book Soul Provider: Spiritual Steps to Limitless Love. He continues: You can dispute the lie, but once it is uttered, it cannot be taken back. It takes on a life of its own. Even if shown to be untrue, the lie exists in memory, at times destroying reputations and lives. Perhaps this is why slander has been seen as suchRead More